Fiduciary Litigation

A fiduciary duty is the highest duty imposed by law. Lawyers owe a fiduciary duty to their clients; trustees owe a fiduciary duty to the grantor and beneficiaries of a trust; and business partners owe a fiduciary duty to their other business partners. When fiduciaries breach their obligations, they often face significant liability.

Downey Law Group has significant experience defending against and prosecuting breach of fiduciary duty allegations. We have brought claims on behalf of law firm and business partners, employers, law firm clients, and beneficiaries of trusts, recovering judgments and settlements totaling millions of dollars. We have also defended lawyers, accountants, and business partners against breach of fiduciary duty lawsuits. Michael Downey has also provided expert testimony on fiduciary obligations relating to the obligations lawyers and accountants owe to their clients.

Please contact Downey Law Group if you seek legal counsel to help investigate, pursue, or defend breach of fiduciary duty claims, or expert testimony regarding a fiduciary’s obligations. We would be happy to discuss our experience and your issue to determine if we can assist you with your legal or expert witness needs.