Judicial Disqualification & Ethics

Lawyers and clients considering legal action against a judge should heed the common warning: “If you are going to shoot the king, you had better kill him.”

When the judge presiding over your case has made missteps, you want an experienced, knowledgeable lawyer to help evaluate whether to take action against the judge, and also to undertake action adverse to the judge. Downey Law Group has considerable experience evaluating whether a judge has violated applicable judicial canons, and helping lawyers and clients seek relief when a judge’s conduct has crossed the line.

Downey Law Group has helped draft numerous requests for recusal, motions to disqualify, and judicial ethics complaints relating to misconduct by state and federal judges. Michael Downey’s services include consulting with trial counsel and entering a special appearance to deal with judicial recusal issues.

Mr. Downey has also assisted judges in understanding and demonstrating their compliance with applicable judicial canons. He has presented on judicial ethics for the Missouri Office of State Court Administration, and also has provided ethics training for the Missouri Association of Probate and Associate Circuit Judges. Mr. Downey also defended a sitting judge against ethics charges before the Missouri Commission on the Retirement, Removal, and Discipline of Judges. Mr. Downey also defended a sitting judge against ethics charges before the Missouri Commission on the Retirement, Removal, and Discipline of Judges, convincing the Commission to stop its proceedings mid-hearing by proving both the appropriateness of the accused judge's conduct and that the allegations were exaggerated and politically motivated.

Whether you are a judge or upset with a judge, Downey Law Group can assist you in understanding and addressing judicial ethics issues. We welcome you to contact us to discuss your issue and how we can help.

Further Reading — Judicial Disqualification

The Delicate Art of Booting Judges. This article from the National Law Journal offers practical guidance for lawyers trying to decide whether to seek disqualification of a judge for cause.