Legal Ethics and Tech Entrepreneurship (Law Practice, January/February 2018)
Avoiding Common Mistakes When Handling Client Funds (Law Practice, November/December 2017)
Preparing a Conflict Waiver (Law Practice, November/December 2016)
Legal Ethics and Flexible Lawyer Staffing: Part 2 (Law Practice, March/April 2016)
Legal Ethics and Flexible Lawyer Staffing: Part 1 (Law Practice, January/February 2016)
Selling or Transferring a Law Practice (Law Practice, November/December 2015)
Legal Ethics and Developing New Clients (St. Louis Bar Journal, Winter 2015)
Craft a Proper Partnership Agreement Now (Law Practice, July/August 2015)
15 Tips for Reducing Online Dangers and Liabilities (Law Practice, July/August 2010)